What Students Think
Having had rheumatoid arthritis for many years, I was searching for a form of exercise that I could do without pain and without stressing damaged joints. Tai chi has exceeded all my expectations. I am grateful to Peter for respecting my limitations and for offering ways to overcome or work around some of them. After a year of lessons with Peter, my flexibility has improved, my posture is better and I am beginning to gain strength in some very under-used muscles. With his encouragement, tai chi has become very important to me. Beyond the physical benefits, it makes me feel very calm; a thing of great value in optimising health. I would recommend Peter’s classes to everybody, but especially to anyone with concerns over physical limitations. You will be treated with understanding and be in very safe hands.
Esther DuxburySTudent
There really aren't words to emphasize how much I appreciate Peter's class and all I have learnt in it!
I'm sure I have been able to learn and continually better perform the actions, in each of the Movements and Qigongs, due directly to Peter's instructions as well as his personal corrections throughout the class.
Peter is so knowledgeable and willing to tell the students the purpose each action is intended to perform; he is continually prepared and willing to answer "any" question addressed to him by a student.
"There are no dumb questions."
Don EdwardsStudent
Peter Fletcher, certified by one of the world's finest tai chi masters, has a unique ability to give his students both physical and verbal translations of the ancient Chinese traditions, from which tai chi originates.
The clarity and fluidity of his movements are matched by simple spoken clues. Each class with him teaches us something about balancing not only our bodies, but life itself.

Peter Fletcher started me in Tai Chi many years ago. He moved back to England and I just recently started to take his online lessons on the basic Eight Movement. I have really benefited from his lessons. I was doing several things incorrectly and he caught and corrected them. There is always more to learn in Tai Chi and Peter is a great teacher.

If you are looking for a great TaiChi teacher that practices what he teaches, Peter Fletcher is your man!
...a true professional
...love the way He talks & explains
the purpose for what he’s doing
...very thorough
...Always positive, very considerate and will not embarrass you
...If you have a question, he will answer it
...makes you feel very comfortable with all the moves
....Peter is a WONDERFUL teacher, dedicated & a very hard worker
.... The TaiChi moves have been a blessing to my body, I feel better & I have More energy
...The warmup makes my body feel so awake/alive!
...Reflexology is amazing for my body, hands, arms, eyes & ears!
...Learning to breath properly with the exercises Is amazing & helps ya sleep!
...Qigong 1, 2 & 3 are awesome! Look forward to them every session!
...I am a follower in Tai Chi! Love having a knowledgeable teacher & classmates that enjoy each other during classes!
...It’s fun to look forward to each class knowing that my brain is being challenged without any pressure to be perfect!